Michael E. Fisher

International Practitioner | Vancouver, Canada

Michael E Fisher has been a holistic healthcare practitioner in Vancouver British Columbia since 1998.His foray into alternative healing methods began in Johannesburg South Africa in 1989 when he studied Anatomy And Physiology at the South African Institute of Reflexology in order to become certified as an alternative health practitioner.

Very soon he established a busy practice using Reflexology as a platform for numerous health care issues. He became something of a specialist in dealing with back and neck problems, PMS and menapausal issues using sustainable health methods. Not being able to prescribe, he used Vitamin and Mineral supplementation as part of his health care system.

In 1997 he became certified in personalised alternative health care solutions using Holographic Repatterning (now Resonance Repatterning). With his new tools he was now able to address the body's own innate wisdom as to how it can heal itself at a physical, mental, emmotional, spirit level, and discover the underlying unconcious patterns that inhibit his clients from projecting themselves into their world with optimal health strategies for body and mind.

Since then he has added other complementary healthcare methods i.e. Jin Shin Jyutsu (a form of accupressure) the Body Talk System, now replaced with Personal Development Mentorship.


An Introduction to Resonance Repatterning by Michael Fisher:

Services and Locations:

Locally In British Columbia: Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Surrey & White-Rock where people commute in to consult with him.


Michael Fisher
Winland Gardens
19-5840 Dover Crescent
Richmond, BC V7C 5R7

Click here for printable travelling details (includes directions from the USA/public transportation/local surroundings).

Phone: 604-285-7013


9.00 am to 5.00pm (Pacific Time) Monday to Friday


Michael E. Fisher, International Practitioner Michael E. Fisher, International Practitioner is the premier alternative health practitioner in Vancouver, Canada. Please call 604-871-9031.span>
19-5840 Dover Crescent Vancouver British Columbia V7C 5R7 (Canada) 604-285-7013

19-5840 Dover Crescent  Richmond, BC  V7C 5R7  Canada - Google Map
Tel: 604-285-7013

All material copyright ©2015 by Michael E. Fisher