Jin Shin Jyutsu - Self-Help
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Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of getting to truly know and help ourselves. As such, Jin Shin strongly advocates self help. Between sessions, many of the "holds" can be done on yourself for general well-being. Finger holds are easy to do: gently hold the appropriate finger on either hand, allowing negative attitudes to melt and physical symptoms to ease: THUMB: Corresponds to worry, depression, anxiety. Physical symptoms may be stomach aches, headaches, skin problems and nervousness. INDEX FINGER: Corresponds to fear, mental confusion, and frustration. Physical symptoms are digestive problems and muscle problems like backaches. MIDDLE FINGER: Corresponds with anger (give someone the "bird"), irritability, indecisiveness. Physical symptoms are eye or vision problems, fatigue, circulation problems. RING FINGER: Corresponds with sadness, fear of rejection, grief, negativity. Physical symptoms are digestive, breathing, or serious skin problems. LITTLE FINGER: Corresponds with overdoing it, insecurity, effort, nervousness. Physical symptoms are bone or nerve problems, sore throat. |